A Heart of Worship

A Heart of Worship

How often have you left a church service and thought, “I didn’t get a thing out of that sermon?” Or heard someone walking out of the service muttering, “The worship songs didn’t speak to my heart.” Confess it – we’ve all whispered similar thoughts and blamed the preacher or song leader for not leading our hearts into worship.

I love beautiful worship music and inspiring sermons. But I learned some important lessons while living in Russia about the importance of having a heart of worship. And it’s not all dependent on the preacher or music.

I confess, sometimes I wondered if attending a Russian church when my language abilities were minimal at best was worth it. I’d sit in the service, not understanding 98 percent of the words spoken or sung. I knew the Russian words for God, Jesus, Bible, and choir. And the only reason I remembered the word for choir in Russian was because it sounded like the English word “whore.” But why torture myself sitting through a long 2-3 hour service where I didn’t understand a word.

I realized I needed an attitude adjustment. Actually a heart adjustment. I decided to quit worrying over my lack of Russian language ability and open my heart to hear the Spirit’s whisperings. If I couldn’t figure out what passage of Scripture the pastor was speaking on, I’d choose a scripture to meditate on during the sermon. And guess what? The Holy Spirit could translate an unknown language into my heart language.

This experience showed me that I didn’t need to rely on beautiful music or eloquent words to lead me into worship. Now I love music, and it often opens my spirit up to worship. But I also realized that I’d been using music and sermons as a needed crutch to achieve a spirit of worship. Suddenly I understood all I needed was a receptive heart, God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit. I could worship even while sitting in a church service in a land where I didn’t understand the language.

Early in our missionary career, my husband often felt frustrated by a lack of language fluency when he preached in Russian. Randy felt like his sermons were very simple and lacked depth. Then one Sunday, a lady who’d attended the church service approached me. She excitedly shared how much Randy’s sermon spoke to her heart and that she loved the depth and richness of the words in the sermon. I thanked her, hoping my eyes weren’t bugging out at her words. And once again, I realized that the Holy Spirit could translate poorly spoken Russian and touch this woman’s heart at the point of her need.

Several years ago, I read a story about Fred Rogers, of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood fame. As a seminary student, Fred often attended different churches to observe a variety of preachers and learn from their sermon delivery. One day, Fred and some friends visited a church together. As Fred listened to the sermon, he was not impressed by the pastor’s skills. Once the service ended, Fred turned to a friend, so they could commiserate about the horrible sermon they’d just endured. But when Fred turned, he noticed tears streaming down his friend’s face. The friend whispered, “He said exactly what I needed to hear.”

What made the difference between what Fred and his friend heard? They each approached the sermon with different attitudes. One came with a posture of judgment, while the other approached with a spirit of need and receptivity. Their attitude and posture made all the difference in what they heard and experienced.

So friend, the next time you walk out of church feeling that you didn’t receive anything from the service, stop. Then take a second and examine your heart. Was your heart open with a spirit of need and receptivity? Did you ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your needs? Or did you display a spirit of judgment?

How thankful I am for the Holy Spirit who can lead me to a heart of worship and act as my personal translator of God’s truth. 

Mary Quote from Chosen

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  1. Kathy Liptak on November 8, 2021 at 3:18 am

    Awesome word Robin! You have spoken to my heart to approach the Lord in every place we find ourselves with expectancy. Our hope is in Him and He will meet us right where we are.

    • Robin Covington on November 8, 2021 at 8:57 am

      Thank you, Kathy! I’m so glad our hope is in Him!!

  2. Faye laufer on November 8, 2021 at 3:20 am

    I always look for the nugguts of gold in your post, never disappointed!

  3. Anonymous on November 8, 2021 at 3:21 am

    You really nailed this, Robin. I have to confess that I’ve had those days of distraction when it was hard to bring heart and mind together. I am reminded of the old saying, “If you’re not feeling close to God, who moved?”. What I experience in church is ultimately up to me and the Holy Spirit. If I listen He will always lead me in the right direction.

    • Robin Covington on November 8, 2021 at 8:56 am

      Thank you! So thankful for the Holy Spirit’s leading in worship and life!!

      • Mary Bradshaw Dibene on November 10, 2021 at 7:14 am

        Once again your message got to my heart. I guess we all need attitude adjustment now and then. We can depend on the Holy Spirit in all parts of our life. Just last night I was able to encourage my daughter to listen to that clear leading of Holy Spirit. She was asking for our prayers about a job interview for promotion. She was feeling it was not the right step, I encouraged her to listen to that discernment. It spoke to her.

        • Robin Covington on November 10, 2021 at 5:19 pm

          Thank you, Mary! So glad you were able to encourage your daughter!

  4. Glenda Terrill on November 8, 2021 at 4:19 am

    LOVE this!

    • Robin Covington on November 8, 2021 at 8:54 am

      Thank you, Glenda! Your music always led me into a place of worship. Miss you, my friend!

  5. Tabatha Smith Waybright on November 8, 2021 at 5:13 am

    So true! And not only going to the service is worship. I find I worship all through the day and my writing is an act as worship as I’m sure you recognize yours is as well!

    • Robin Covington on November 8, 2021 at 8:53 am

      It’s true! We find worship in so many ways – and creation always brings me to worship!

  6. Karen Cole on November 8, 2021 at 9:21 am

    Wonderful words and perspectives. So true ! Thank you.

  7. Janet Wynne on November 8, 2021 at 9:38 am

    So true. Thank you for the reminder! Love you

  8. Shelly Sulfridge on November 8, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    This is so good and a great reminder for all of us. Thanks for sharing!

    • Robin Covington on November 9, 2021 at 4:42 pm

      Thank you, Shelly! I know I needed this reminder!

  9. Lyn Covington Sheehan on November 13, 2021 at 5:12 pm

    That was my experience in Madagascar. At least I had a hymnal! When I recognized a hymn, I would sing it in English. It was truly soul music.

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