
Heroes in the Hard Places

The war in Ukraine continues to dominate much of my prayer time. A very dear friend has been sending updates from his son, Joe, who lives in Ukraine and is married to a Ukrainian woman named Dasha. The latest update told about Dasha’s parents, who live in another town far from Dasha. Her parents have…

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Pray for Ukraine: The Rest of the Story

With tears in my eyes, I’ve prayed for the people of Ukraine this week, as I know many of you have. But I wanted to share a piece of the story that some of you may be familiar with, but possibly many of you haven’t heard. Early in 2014, if you remember, Russia invaded and…

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A New Experience: Boba Tea

I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to new foods and drinks. I’ll try anything once. Living overseas, I’ve eaten many unusual foods—most tastes I’ve enjoyed, and some not so much. So a couple of weeks ago, when some girlfriends wanted to buy me a Boba Tea, I agreed to give it a chance. We were…

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The Mask of Anonymity

Prank phone calls always fascinated me as a child. Calling someone anonymously and then saying something outrageous like: “Is your refrigerator running? Why don’t you catch it?” It seemed harmless fun to a kid, and nobody knew who you were. You wore the mask of anonymity.  Unfortunately, prank calls aren’t always funny. I remember receiving…

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The Longest Night

I know Christmas is just around the corner, but I confess I’ve been eagerly anticipating December 21st. It’s the date of the winter solstice. The longest night of the year. This date signifies a turning point for me; the return of the light. In Alaska, winter is dark. Right now, I drive to work in…

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A Heart of Worship

How often have you left a church service and thought, “I didn’t get a thing out of that sermon?” Or heard someone walking out of the service muttering, “The worship songs didn’t speak to my heart.” Confess it – we’ve all whispered similar thoughts and blamed the preacher or song leader for not leading our…

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Careless or Faithful

As I’ve watched the current situation in Afghanistan unfold, my heart weeps. My emotions bounce between anger, frustration, and horror as I’ve watched the pictures scrolling across my screen. Prayers fall from my lips for the trapped cross-cultural workers and Afghani Christians who face inevitable persecution. For Americans trying to return home. For our military.…

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Walking in Freedom

A couple of years ago, I unexpectedly found myself getting emotional while pledging allegiance to the American flag. My reaction surprised me. Since then, I’ve experienced the same emotional response upon hearing the soaring notes of the Star-Spangled Banner at various events. I suddenly had a new appreciation for walking in freedom. Maybe this unexpected…

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Read Me! Translate Me!

When my family moved to Russia, I convinced myself that I would be an excellent language learner. Unfortunately, God didn’t grant me the gift of tongues. I ended up failing repeating my first semester of Russian. Thankfully, a community of Russian speakers came alongside me and introduced me to the phrases “Read me” and “Translate me.”  …

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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breakup. A term used for the ending of a romantic relationship. The old song says it so well, “breaking up is hard to do.” Sometimes, the breakup is quick, like taking a surgeon’s scalpel to our heart. Other times, the breakup drags on and on, on-again, off-again. Our heart looks forward to moving on to…

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Robin Covington
Coffee and Cherries

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