A Curse or a Blessing

You Reap What You Sow

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about the old saying, “You reap what you sow.” Maybe it’s my age, concern for struggling friends and family, or the current news cycle, but my brain keeps returning to this adage. Today, I listened to a song by Sarah Graves, and the words of the chorus continue to ring through my mind.

Remind me of this with every decision
Generations will reap what I sow
I can pass on a curse or a blessing
To those I will never know

The popular idiom “you reap what you sow,” is a principle found sprinkled throughout the Bible. Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (NIV)

This isn’t a hard principle to grasp. Every time we see a garden, we see this idea illustrated. If you plant tomatoes, you get tomatoes. Sow corn, and you reap corn.

It’s the same in our everyday life. “Life is like a garden, you reap what you sow.” (Paulo Coelho) If you sow love, you reap love. Sow hate, you reap hate.

We make daily decisions about what to sow. Currently, our world encourages people to please themselves and not worry about how their choices affect others. Personal rights outrank the rights of others.

And this is the thought that currently haunts me. The fact that generations will reap what I sow. My decisions not only impact me, but will affect those around me, and future generations of my family. As a mother and grandmother, this thought pierces my heart.

Several years ago, I watched the marriage of some good friends disintegrate after the revelation of the husband’s addiction to pornography and prostitutes. As a result, the ripples of this poor decision not only destroyed a marriage, but affected their children, colleagues, and friends. Only God knows how many generations this one decision will affect.

The Bible explains that each of us is responsible for our own decisions. We will pay the price for our personal sins and choices. Thankfully, God can forgive our sins and bring restoration to our lives and relationships. Unfortunately, the consequences of our choices continues to impact our lives and the lives of others. For good and bad.

I’m thankful for a mother who decided to follow Jesus and raised her children to do the same. That one decision greatly impacted her children, my children, and now, my grandchildren. I’m praying that the ripple effect will continue through the generations.

As you journey through life, remember that generations will reap what you sow.

Will you pass on a curse or a blessing?


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  1. Tabatha on August 8, 2019 at 9:42 am

    Very thought provoking. I love your posts ❤️

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