Dreaming a new dream

Dreaming a New Dream

"The joy of retirement comes in those everyday pursuits that embrace the joy of life; to experience daily the freedom to invest one's life-long knowledge for the betterment of others; and, to allocate time to pursuits that only received, in years of working, a fleeting moment." - Byron Pulsifer


Yes, next week is my last week at work.

I’m retiring.

And I’m finding my emotions ping-ponging all over the place. Excited, sad, exhilarated, tired, worried – you name an emotion, I’m feeling it. Where did the time go? And why isn’t time slowing down? I imagined as my age crept upward, time would slow down. Nope. Time is moving at the speed of light.

Recently, Randy and I talked to our financial advisor, and she asked us, “What goals do you have for retirement? What are the big things you want to do? Travel?” Randy and I stared at each other, then chuckled. Travel. Hmmm. Been there, done that. We’ve lived in some of the world’s most exotic and beautiful places. Ranging from a village of reindeer herders on the Kamchatka peninsula to the beauty of Greece. And frankly, long-haul flights aren’t as appealing as they used to be.

Later we both laughed at our reaction. Yes, there might be some travel in our future. There are lots of places in America I’d like to explore. And, of course, visits with kids and grandkids rates pretty high. But I still wonder what retirement will hold for me.

Now there is a multitude of funny quotes about retirement. But a more serious one recently grabbed my attention:

“The joy of retirement comes in those everyday pursuits that embrace the joy of life; to experience daily the freedom to invest one’s life-long knowledge for the betterment of others; and, to allocate time to pursuits that only received, in years of working, a fleeting moment.”                  Byron Pulsifer

My heart jumped when I read this statement. The joy of retirement. It’s not about sleeping late, though the idea of sleeping past 6am brings a smile. But to have the freedom to give time to the pursuits that I love and enjoy. That’s exciting.

Writing, blogging, quilting. These are just a few skills I can’t wait to enjoy. To explore and stretch myself in each of these areas. To learn something new. The idea of a podcast rolls around in the back of my mind. Creative outlets that, frankly, I’ve been too tired to pursue after a hard day’s work. But now, a whole new world of time is on the horizon.

But I also realize the truth of the statement, “to experience daily the freedom to invest one’s life-long knowledge for the betterment of others.” This excites me! You know, once a missionary – you’re always a missionary.

As Chris Cagle wrote,

“Christians may be free to ‘retire’ from their occupation, but as disciples of Christ, we aren’t ever free to retire from serving God and others.”

As a Christian, I’ve strived to follow these verses from Colossians in both my work and play,

“Whatever you do, do it from the heart as something done for the Lord and not for people, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.”  Colossians 3:23-24 (CSB)

I serve the Lord Christ in my work, play, washing dishes, cleaning the house, and guess what? Even in retirement, I will still serve the Lord. Saying this out loud, suddenly, I’m not fearful or worried about retirement but excited about how I will serve the Lord in this next chapter.

“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” – Fred Rogers.

I am looking forward to this new beginning. (In case you are wondering, Randy won’t be retiring soon. He still plans a few more years of work. )

If you have any great words of advice for me, pass them along!


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  1. Ingrid Wahl on September 18, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    Robin, you’ll enjoy yr Sunday nights, bec. you don’t have to be concerned about any problems the next morning! You will have many opportunities to visit with yr friends or volunteer . I’ll be praying for you as you are embracing Retirement 🙏🤗

    • Robin Covington on September 19, 2022 at 4:56 pm

      Ingrid – that is so true about the Sunday nights. Right now, I’m usually getting ready for work and already making lists in my mind. I can’t wait!!

  2. Suzanne Shumock on September 19, 2022 at 5:10 am

    I heard someone say recently that people who don’t just retire from something but rather to something are more successful in retirement. Personally, being blessed to care for my grandchildren every other week definitely keeps me moving! But, I thank my Heavenly Father for the opportunity to see them grow up singing songs of praise, learning stories of Godly heroes, and hiding God’s Word in their hearts through memorizing verses!
    I know that God has great plans for you in this next phase of your life! May God continue bless you and Randy as you have blessed others through your willingness to serve our great God!

    • Robin Covington on September 19, 2022 at 4:55 pm

      It sounds like you are making the most of retirement by investing in your grandkids! I know God has some great plans for this next chapter in my life.

  3. Aunt Janet on September 19, 2022 at 5:11 am

    Congratulations! You’re almost there! If you think time moves fast now, just wait. The week soon seems to become Sunday, Monday, Saturday.
    The best advice we were given was “don’t make any major decisions for a year”. That will give time for some lazy mornings, doing some of the favorite things you mentioned, pondering, daydreaming, imagining, and finding new ways to serve. Please be sure one of those things is continuing your blog! When I saw it this morning my first reaction was, “Oh goodie! Robin rides again. 👏”. You never fail to entertain and make me think. Thank you once again. Enjoy the journey.
    Sending love.

    • Robin Covington on September 19, 2022 at 4:53 pm

      Aunt Janet, thank you for those encouraging words. I’ve already decided on a couple of priorities for this year, and being more consistent with blogging is one of them. Don’t make any decisions for a year sounds like great advice. Love you!

  4. Tabatha Smith Waybright on September 19, 2022 at 6:17 am

    Another great blog! I so enjoy reading them. Yes, retirement is icing on the cake. I’ve been retired almost 4 years and I’ve really enjoyed it. But don’t get too busy, it’s easy to do! I overdo it a lot if the time.

    • Robin Covington on September 19, 2022 at 4:51 pm

      Thank you, Tabatha. I’ve already decided to take my time this first year and not jump into too many activities simultaneously. I’ve picked a couple of priorities for this year and writing is one of them.

  5. Mary Chase on September 20, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I am a few years away from retirement and wondering what it could look like for me. Thank you for helping me see it in a more positive way. I am always so encouraged by what you share and I am positive that you will continue to be a great blessing to others in this next phase of life.

    • Robin Covington on September 20, 2022 at 10:50 pm

      Thank you for those encouraging words, Mary! I’m glad you were able to think about retirement in a more positive way. I needed the encouragement myself.

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