monday's rose

Monday’s Rose

Monday’s rose. A single rose in a bud vase arrived every Monday, delivered to the corner of my mother’s desk. The other employees marveled at my father’s romantic gesture.


No one knew the story that lay behind Monday’s rose.


For most of their marriage, my parents experienced a good life. They worked hard, scrimped and saved, raised a family, and lived a modest life.


I married young and left home at eighteen years old to begin building a life with my husband. Several moves occurred, two children came along, and there were occasional visits with my parents.


One day, my Mom called. The tone of her voice instantly raised concern. She explained that my Dad had fallen and cracked some ribs. Then she revealed a hidden secret.


My Dad was an alcoholic.


My head exploded. Anger, disappointment, and hurt surged through my heart. Anger that I didn’t know earlier, disappointment in my Dad, and hurt because of my Mom’s silence about this struggle.


Throughout my childhood, I knew my Dad drank an occasional beer. He held his drinking in check, and I never saw him overindulge. Years after I left home, there came a time where Dad struggled with the loss of a job, and things spiraled out of control. Thankfully, my mother never suffered any physical abuse. But one day, Mom confronted Dad and gave him an ultimatum.


Fortunately, at this point, Dad agreed he needed help. He checked into a rehab center and faced his addiction.


My parents were part of the “silent generation” that never felt comfortable speaking about their problems. As a result, I know few details about that time in their marriage. My Mom once shared that my Dad felt guilty about the time he lost with grandchildren because of his addiction.


Eventually, my parents’ lives returned to normal. I never spoke to my Dad about his struggles. A very private man, he rarely spoke of personal matters.


Through this process, I realized that love can be expressed in radically different ways.


We all express our love differently. Some of us prefer using words, some use touch, and some show love through gifts.


Too often, I expect people to show love according to my preferences. And when they don’t – I feel rejected. Finally, I realized that love surrounded me, but in many different ways.


Looking with new eyes, I realized that when my husband vacuums the house or fills my car with gas, he’s expressing his love and care for me through deed.


My daughter shows her love through handwritten notes and cards. She pours her heart into the written word, in an age where people rarely take time to handwrite notes.


Mom expressed her love to Dad through words of “tough love” and by persevering through the hard times.


After Dad’s recovery from his addiction, he showed his love by sending a rose to my Mom every week for the rest of his life.


God showed his love for us by sending his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.


We all demonstrate love in different ways.


My Dad rarely spoke words of love.


Monday’s rose spoke for him.


Slow down and show love to someone today.


Be a Monday’s rose.

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  1. Janet Wynne on October 4, 2020 at 6:06 pm

    Robin, Thank you so much for sharing. It’s such a beautiful story of the redemptive nature of love and forgiveness. Love you, sweet friend. Janet

    • Robin Covington on October 4, 2020 at 7:59 pm

      It’s a very special story that has taught me so much. Love you, too dear Janet!

  2. Trish Coffman on October 4, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    Robin, beautiful. I believe I once remarked about a rose on her desk to your dear mother. If my memory serves me, she gently smiled.
    What courage they both had. And what encouragement to work for change and to press on. Grace wins, again!
    Thank you for sharing 🧡

    • Robin Covington on October 4, 2020 at 7:57 pm

      Thank you for sharing that memory, Trish! It means so much to me. Grace always wins!

  3. Janet Miller on October 5, 2020 at 5:46 am

    Thank you, Robin, for a lovely reminder. Every day God presents us with opportunities to give and receive love. These are some of the gifts of His relentless love for us. Have a blessed day knowing that you have blessed mine.

    • Robin Covington on October 5, 2020 at 4:53 pm

      So thankful for God’s relentless love! You blessed me today!

  4. Patsy Barrington on October 5, 2020 at 8:54 am

    Thanks for sharing that, Robin. God’s forgiveness and redemption covers all.

  5. Sarah Slagle on October 5, 2020 at 12:05 pm

    This is so beautiful! What a great reminder to share love each day to someone in same way. It is easy to reflect back on many moments when an “I love you” came in a timely and unexpected way. One of the best gifts we can give another. Thankful for the many ways you give an “I love you” to those around you!

    • Robin Covington on October 5, 2020 at 4:54 pm

      Thank you, Sarah! I’ve been so blessed by those unexpected expressions of love!

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