Walk in Grace
According to my unscientific observations, clumsiness is inherited. My mom inherited the clumsiness gene, passed it along to me, and I’ve passed it along to my daughter. Graceless describes the females in my family. I remember being frustrated when my parents said I couldn’t ride my bike to school. It didn’t dawn on…
Monday’s Rose
Monday’s rose. A single rose in a bud vase arrived every Monday, delivered to the corner of my mother’s desk. The other employees marveled at my father’s romantic gesture. No one knew the story that lay behind Monday’s rose. For most of their marriage, my parents experienced a good life. They worked hard,…
Kinder than is necessary
In the morning, I usually drink a cup of Earl Gray tea and turn on the news for a few minutes before leaving for work. But this last week, I stopped turning on the TV. I realized that listening to the newscasters’ gloom and doom predictions greatly affected the start of my morning. It created…
Hope Reborn
Last summer, a fire devastated the landscape along the Sterling Highway. Smoke filled the skies on the Kenai peninsula, and at times, surrounded my house in Anchorage. The smoky smell was inescapable; whiffs of smoke filtered through the closed windows into my home and assaulted my lungs. It was heartbreaking to see the skeletons of…
It’s Time to Re-Center
It’s January! The month we make New Year’s Resolutions. I’m always fascinated by friends who choose a word or scripture for their theme for the year. Now I’ve never been good at making New Year’s resolutions that last more than two weeks. Still, this year I feel God has given me a particular word that’s…
A Band of Babushkas
In the Russian language, the word for grandmother is babushka (BAH-boo-shka). A Russian babushka is a grandmother to all and has the right to express her opinion on any subject. I’ve seen a young mother reduced to a quivering mess as a babushka berated her for not dressing her baby warm enough. Most of my…
Taking Every Thought Captive
Controlling my thoughts. Oh, how I’ve struggled through the years. Then God took me by the hand and taught me the importance of taking every thought captive. Honestly, I didn’t believe I could do it. But I learned that in His strength, it was possible. But it wasn’t easy. As a brand-new missionary, I basked in the…
A Lesson in Contentment
The definition of contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied. I often wonder, are some people born contented? Does it come more naturally to some? Can it be learned? How can I find contentment? The apostle Paul wrote about contentment in his letter to the Philippians. He explained: I am not saying this because I…
You Reap What You Sow
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about the old saying, “You reap what you sow.” Maybe it’s my age, concern for struggling friends and family, or the current news cycle, but my brain keeps returning to this adage. Today, I listened to a song by Sarah Graves, and the words of the chorus continue…
Fireweed: Beauty from Ashes
When I think of Alaska, one of the first images to cross my mind is of a field of fireweed. Fireweed flourishes along the roads, on the hillsides, and in your backyard. Its glowing magenta color transforms the landscape. Last week, as I drove along the Turnagain Pass on my way to Seward, I was…
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