
My Balcony People

While living in Eastern Europe, I developed a fascination with balconies. I confess I was a balcony peeper. Comparing how different neighbors used their balconies was my new hobby. One balcony appeared strictly utilitarian, and the next would be a veritable haven of flowering plants with an inviting table and chairs. I loved watching my…

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Called to Alaska: Ministering in the Hard Places

As the Executive Director of the Alaska Baptist Convention, my husband receives scores of inquiries about being a pastor in Alaska. The lure of ministering in the Last Frontier excites the heart of many a pastor, especially if he happens to enjoy hunting, fishing, and a wilderness adventure. Long-time Alaskans have seen many pastors come and…

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Try a Little Kindness

During the last 25 years of my life, I feel like I lived 20 of those years on an airplane. Long haul flights or short hops, it doesn’t matter. Airline travel is stressful, and nowhere is that more apparent than at the ticket counter. It’s a place where trying a little kindness could improve everyone’s…

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Grieving From Afar

“For I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13b (NASB) In my wildest dreams, I never imagined living in so many exotic places. I’ve lived in Alaska, Russia, Kamchatka, Greece, and Macedonia. Following God’s call on my life led to many amazing adventures. This…

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Language Learning: A Study in Humiliation

If you want a lesson in humility, move to another country where you don’t speak the language. During my many years of living overseas, one of the hardest and most humbling experiences was learning a new language. I moved overseas, believing myself to be a well-educated and competent woman. Suddenly, I felt like a helpless…

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Hospitality: Entertainment or Sharing Life

Hospitality: the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers. ( When I moved to Russia, I realized that I didn’t have the gift of hospitality. This fact became abundantly clear the night of the big flood. Several Russian students had come to our apartment to watch a wedding video of a Russian friend who…

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How Can I Pray for You?

A few years ago in Greece, I met a young man who significantly impacted my life. Whenever I saw him, his first question was always, “How can I pray for you?” His name was Makis (mah-kees). Makis was a young Greek man, a simple man. Unsophisticated, naive, with child-like innocence. I’ll never forget the first…

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When the Ground Shakes Beneath Your Feet

Two weeks ago, the ground literally shook beneath my feet. An earthquake measuring 7.0. Would you like to know my biggest fear involving earthquakes? Having to run into the street in a state of dishabille. (Definition of dishabille: the state of being only partly or scantily clothed.) Or in my case, no clothes. Yep, I…

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Thanksgiving: A Day of Gratitude and Prayer

Thanksgiving. A gastronomic feast for the eyes and stomach with turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, and pumpkin pie playing the starring roles. My favorite dish is the dressing. With lots of gravy. Memories dance through my mind of school plays where we reenacted the first Thanksgiving where Pilgrims and Native Americans joined together to…

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The Day I Accidently Drove to Asia

I have no sense of direction. The stuff of legends. I have been lost all over the world. It drives me crazy when the voice on my GPS instructs me to turn south. I want to hear right or left, not north or south. Because in my mind, whichever way I am facing is north.…

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Robin Covington
Coffee and Cherries

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