“For I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13b (NASB)
In my wildest dreams, I never imagined living in so many exotic places. I’ve lived in Alaska, Russia, Kamchatka, Greece, and Macedonia. Following God’s call on my life led to many amazing adventures.
This journey around the world also called for times of grieving from afar. From the other side of the world, distant from loved ones.
My heart often turns to memories of my very best friend in Russia. We arrived on the mission field within three months of each other, excited, scared and nervous about this new adventure. During language study, our apartments were two blocks apart. Every afternoon, we called to swap stories about language study, children, cultural faux pas, and new discoveries at the market. Before we knew it, we were best friends.
Eventually, our ministries took us to different cities, but we remained close. Many emails and phone calls crossed Russia over the next fourteen years, as we watched our children grow-up, cried and consoled one another as the first child left for college, and rejoiced over the victories. When we had the opportunity to spend time together, our heart-to-heart talks lasted most of the night.
Then unexpectedly, my best friend passed from earth into the arms of Jesus. Leaving the country to attend her funeral was impossible, as my passport was at the consulate awaiting a new visa. I found myself, broken-hearted, grieving from afar.
It seems much of my time overseas involved grieving from afar. Too many times, I spoke on the phone or typed emails with tears flowing down my face. College-aged children called from another continent, struggling with broken relationships, car accidents, and serious illness. The heart-wrenching email from a friend, sending her condolences on the death of my father, which arrived before my family was able to call me with the news.
I hoped our return to Alaska would make things easier. But we are still far from most of our family. Aging parents struggling with dementia, children on different continents, and grandchildren who are growing up far too quickly are near to my heart, yet distant from me physically.
Along the way, I’ve mourned the death of many of my dreams. Visions of my kids living down the street, being a regular part of my grandchildren’s lives, celebrating special milestones with my extended family – birthdays, weddings, anniversaries.
Yes, I’ve shed countless tears as I’ve grieved from afar, but there has also been great joy in the journey. God has proven faithful, and He has always been beside me, giving strength and comfort. He allowed me the joy of seeing lives transformed, the gift of meaningful relationships, and, the love of a good friend.
God has blessed abundantly as I laid aside my dreams in exchange for His plan. The reality He gave me is so much better than any of my dreams. When I laid my dreams and sorrows at His feet, He replaced my sorrow with joy.
My friends, if you are grieving from afar, or mourning the loss of a dream, turn to God. I can testify that the blessings of God outweigh any of the sacrifices you make along the way.
Thank you for wonderful insight, Robin! What you have said is so right for many of us. God so far surpassed our wildest dreams. Blessings as you keep living the dream He has for you.
Thank you, Mary Ellen! It continues to be an amazing adventure!
Really good stuff you share. Can identify with you in your sharing. I love you Robin. You are a “hero” a great example to follow. Charles really loved and appreciated you and your family.
Thank you, Phyllis! We loved you and Charles and considered you both as wonderful role models in being obedient to God’s call.
Brought tears to my heart and continue for the desire to be used by Him. Putting Him first. The lost is huge. I am always so blessed by you. Thank You for the sweet truths reminded
Sweet Jeniene, you always bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face. Thank you for your encouraging words.